Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Be a stress free woman even just for the day.

Are you sure you have to be so perfect, Miss stress case? Happy woman know: it's ok...

...to show up dressed to the nines when they're all in jeans. Someone's gotta show them how it's done. :)

...not to understand Freud, feudalism or the FCC. Life's too short to be an expert on everything.

...if a quickie just doesn't satisfy you at all, don't fake it.

...to nag even the greatest love of all if he can't hang up his towel or makes you his yaya of a girlfriend. Prince Charming can be annoying at times.

...to consider hot dogs a food gruop right up there with french fries, burgers and icecream.

...to spend your time thinking what to wear while your date is waiting for you, like an hour downstairs.

...to eat the old mints at the bottom of your bag.
...to spend thousands of pesos to keep a sick pet alive. So what if he'll never speak English, rub your feet or give you grandchildren? Love is love.

...to wish everyday is a political campaign.

...never to divulge what you wish for your birthday. That's between you, the candles and God.

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