Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Truth

I just love this book that I wanted to share it with you. :)

Dr. Rebecca Brown is one of several Christian authors who claim to have been involved with underground satanic cults. Dr. Brown describes her experiences in books published by Jack Chick publications. Dr. Brown's claims are particularly extreme because she claims to have had physical contact with demons, devils and Satan himself.

Thanks to my tito Julius who owns the book He Came to Set the Captives Free and Prepare for War written by Dr. Brown and published by Chick Publications. I borrowed and read both books.

In this book, I come to realized that the impossible can be possible. And the unbelievable can be realistic.
        Elaine talks, Werewolves, vampires, zombies and other were animals do exist. This is a very closely guarded by Satan. No one controls these beings except Satan or the high-ranking demons. He uses them mostly for discipline.
        Angels of God the Father also exist and, according to Dr. Rebecca Brown, has shinning golden hair, deep blue eyes, was clean-shaven, dressed in shining white with golden belt and a huge sword at his side. His tunic-like top was trim with gold braid, wore a loose fitting white pants and golden sandals. His skin was bronze as with a beautiful deep suntan. I wonder what does my guardian angel looks like. :)
        Cults usually performed human sacrifice in (the United States) their eight ‘holy days’ out of each year; Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and as close as possible to the first day of spring, summer, fall and winter.(Satan wishes to desecrate each God’s mercifully ordained seasons.)
        Satan has a very few chosen women that become his brides. Only five to ten, and usually five exist in the United States one at a time.
        God command us to control every thought, not blank out our minds! If you don’t control your mind, Satan will. Never blank out our mind cause it’s an open doorway for the entrance of demons.
        Demons can make you ill; these are called demonically inflicted illness. This is usually the favorite method of discipline of some demons because few doctors can diagnose what’s wrong and the person so afflicted and dies a very slow and painful death, while doctors think he’s just imagining the symptoms. Some schizophrenics might have been the victim of these.

You can check out some quotes from Rebecca and Elaine’s story from the book of He Came to Set the Captives Free.
The story readers and listeners expected to believe centers on two women, Rebecca Brown and Elaine. We realize that the information contained here is sensitive and will be opening a wound that will again hurt family members close to this situation. This is not an attempt to dredge up the past, but to expose the truth about these alarmist teachers.


Elaine says she was born with a cleft palate that required surgical repair. Her family could not afford the cost of surgery. Then, Elaine says, a friend told her mother the work could be done in exchange for nothing more than a thimbleful of Elaine's blood. The blood would be for experimental use; Elaine says her mother was told. However, Elaine says, the blood was used in a ceremony in which she was sold to Satan. That’s the start of Elaine’s involvement in Satanism.
Elaine goes on to tell of events that led her to further involvement in witchcraft and Satanism. She describes her rise to power into Satanism after being inducted into Satan's service at a witch camp. There she signed her name in blood and set out to climb the ladder of power in witchcraft.
Elaine describes a certain "camp" where she was inducted into witchcraft and satanism. She describes this "camp" in great detail:
"I stepped directly into this cult when I went to that summer camp with Sandy. I was very excited by the time we arrived. With excitement you lose a lot of what you see and hear. We were taken first to the dorms where we were to stay and made to feel very welcome. The camp had many facilities: museums, libraries, different houses where you could go to clairvoyants, hypnotists, palm readers, tarot card readers, voodoo experts, etc. Some of these people lived there year 'round, some didn't. This was the place where the cult officially meets with the unknowing public."
Based upon Elaine's description of the camp and its location, she is probably referring to a spiritualist camp known as Camp Chesterfield (Indiana Society of Spiritualists) in the town of Chesterfield, Ind. The camp was established in 1886 by Dr. J.W. Westerfield.
As with witchcraft and satanism, spiritualism is a distinct practice not to be confused with the others. A trip to Camp Chesterfield revealed it to be nothing like Elaine describes. There are no dormitories, as Elaine recalled, but there are two motels that look like dormitories to an outsider driving through the camp. No staff member interviewed could remember an Edna Elaine Moses or an Edna Elaine Knost, but all were familiar with the kinds of stories told about their camp.
Elaine says she signed her name in blood and became a part of "The Brotherhood at this camp. She does not say how hold she was when she did this but says it took place during the summer. "School was out at the time and as I had nothing else to do I decided to go." This places the event some time during her youth, probably her teens.
She tells of growing more powerful until, at a national competition of witches, she surpassed all her colleagues and was named top witch.
"A crown of gold was placed upon my head and my fellow cult members bowed down and gave homage to me," she says. "I was treated like a queen ... I was given all the beautiful clothes to wear that I could possibly want. I was bathed, my hair fixed and I was waited on hand and foot by servants. There were parties and I always had a handsome escort who was also my body guard ... My escort always tasted all of my food before I ate to make sure that it wasn't poisoned." (3)
That wasn't all, Elaine says. She married Satan himself, who donned a white tuxedo and rented a Presbyterian church for the ceremony. "Again he appeared as a man, dressed completely in white, wearing a crown of gold with many jewels in it. The whole congregation stood with a shout and much worship was given to Satan. Then, at a sign from Satan, all heads turned to the back and I started forward down the aisle. When I reached the end of the aisle I stopped before Satan's throne, bowed down before him, and did him homage. Then he gave me the command to rise. As I did so, he arose from his throne and came down to stand beside me. The high priest performed the wedding ceremony.... Satan gave me a beautiful broad gold wedding band with an inscription inside it which said: 'Behold the bride of the Prince of the world.After saying their vows, the newlyweds were whisk off by limousine to the airport and Satan's luxurious private jet, Elaine says. On their way to their ‘haunted honeymoon’ at a mansion in California, Satan sipped "very expensive wines and champagnes." Elaine also relates that the wedding night "sexual intercourse we had was brutal." Also Elaine claims to have had sex with Satan on numerous occasions, both as High Priestess and as Satan's wife.
Elaine says she became "Satan's representative on an international level" going around the world to meet with heads of state and foreign dignitaries to negotiate the sale of arms.
Some of her activities as Satan's bride: "I also made a number of trips to other countries. I have been to Mecca, Israel, Egypt, also the Vatican in Rome to meet with the Pope. All my trips were for the purpose of coordinating Satan's programs with satanists in other lands, as well as meeting with various government officials to discuss aid to their countries in the form of money. A few did not know that I was a satanist, but thought I was associated with a powerful wealthy organization of some kind. People asking for money don't ask too many questions. The Pope knew very well who I was. We worked closely both with the Catholics (especially the Jesuits) and the high-ranking Masons.”
“It was during this time that I met many of the well known Rock music stars. They all signed contracts with Satan in return for fame and fortune."
She was possessed by a demon named "Mann-Chan" and spoke foreign languages fluently, she says.
Human sacrifice is the favorite method of discipline. Many of the sacrifices are people who have been disobedient, or who have tried to pull out of the cult.”
“in the United States there are eight ‘holy days’ out of each year where human sacrifice is usually performed; Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and as close as possible to the first day of spring, summer, fall and winter.(Satan wishes to desecrate each God’s mercifully ordained seasons.)
"I watched in utter horror as a crown of huge long thorns was driven into the young man's head. The thorns going in so deep as to pierce into his skull... Finally, he was nailed to a wooden cross which was then picked up and placed in a hole in the ground, just in front of the middle of the platform. I will never forget the stench of the burned and tormented flesh, the screams of the victim, his writhing agony, his pleas for mercy..."
"Satan appeared in human form as usual, dressed completely in shining white. But his eyes glowed red as a flame and he threw his head back and gave a howl and a scream and a hideous laugh of victory as the high priest drove a long spike through the man's head, pinning it to the cross, killing him. The crowd went crazy, screaming and shouting and dancing in crazed ecstasy at the "victory." They loudly proclaimed all victory and power and honor to their father Satan. Satan vanished shortly after that to go on to the next Black Sabbath sacrifice.
At his departure the meeting turned into a sex orgy. Human with human, and demon with human."
Rebecca talks, “What a mockery the black Sabbaths are! Satan knows they are a mockery! The ceremony itself is supposed to be the symbolic death of Christ. Satan proclaims that Jesus Christ was the ultimate sacrifice for him that he won over Christ by killing him on the cross. Satan is lying! He knows that he was defeated at the cross, not Jesus, and so all of the demons. Satan was not victorious at the cross and Jesus is alive! God’s word sums it up the best in Colossians 2:15.”

"The Doctor Must be killed"

Then came an assignment that would change her life, Elaine tells Chick. Satan told her there was a "'young smartly doctor' at his 'special' hospital in a nearby city. This doctor was not only greatly interfering by 'preaching and praying everywhere,' but had also actually dared to interfere with a number of his top witches and their work at that institution." Elaine says "Satan ordered me to organize a nationwide effort among all the top witches for that doctor's destruction. He didn't care how we did it, but that doctor must be killed, and quickly."
The young doctor was Rebecca Brown, an intern. Elaine had her assignment and she went to work. However, Elaine says, "every time I did an incantation in the direction of that doctor, the demons came back unable to get through." Elaine says her difficulty in wrecking Rebecca spiritually turned into a defeat for Satan. Through this purported incident and other events, Elaine became a Christian.
Satan was angry, Elaine says. "The first thing that they (Mann-Chan, and fellow demons) did was fly right off and tell Satan what I had done," Elaine tells Chick. "Then the fur started to fly. That night after I had returned home Satan came to talk to me, but things were strangely different. Usually Satan would come up to me and put his hands on my shoulders or hold me in his arms. This time he stood back away from me and shouted 'What the Hell do you think you are doing? ' 'I'm leaving you,' I replied."
A heated discussion ensued and Elaine ordered him to leave. Elaine says "Satan came to me nearly twenty times over the next two weeks. Sometimes in a very charming mood, attempting to be a lover, but usually in a rage. He tried to persuade me to change my mind."


Satan's next move was to make Elaine ill and put her in "that particular hospital," where she was placed under the care of Rebecca, Elaine says, and Rebecca picks up the story’s narration.
Rebecca says God told her Elaine still had hundreds of demons and needed deliverance. Rebecca says "(God) told me that He wanted me to have Elaine move in with me immediately as she did not yet have faith enough to stand on her own. Her (earthly) husband had left her and remained with the satanists." Since the hospital was under the control of satanists, Rebecca says she and Elaine were targets of "the Brotherhood" (i.e., a group of people who are directly controlled by, and worship, Satan).
Rebecca goes on to tell of God making many covenants with and audible revelations to her. The descriptions are vivid and graphic.
In one description, an angel was sent by God to kill Elaine after she had become and Christian. Rebecca relates her encounter with "a shining white-robed figure ... with a drawn sword in his hand. He was tall, very tall. His head nearly touched the ceiling of the room. He radiated power and his countenance was fierce. His skin was bronzed and the sword in his hand shown with a pure white light"
What was his message? Rebecca quotes him: "I am sent by God the Father to kill this one who is so rebellious and disobedient. She has angered God." Why had God sent an angel to kill Elaine? Rebecca explains: "He [God] had commanded Elaine to make a covenant with Him to protect them from an upcoming attack by the local satanists. Elaine had refused to do so, stubbornly insisting that she would fight and protect them."
Rebecca says, in effect, that God had sent an angel to kill someone who would not make a covenant with Him to protect her from being killed.
Rebecca says she "threw herself prone on her face on the floor... and pleaded with "Father" to spare Elaine's life.”...let your anger fall on me instead of Elaine," she sobs. Angry "Father" grants her petition: "The angel placed his sword into its sheath.’Arise, woman,' he said. 'Your petition has been heard and granted.' Then he vanished."


A look into Rebecca's background also is difficult. For starters, one must know that she has not always been Rebecca Brown, M.D. She changed her name from Ruth Irene Bailey, M.D. In a petition to the Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino, dated Feb. 11, 1986, Ruth Irene Bailey, of Apple Valley, Calif., along with her attorney, Robert Salisbury, of Anaheim, requested a name change to Rebecca Brown. The reason given was "petitioner has become known more by the proposed name through use as a pen name and use of the name in ministry than by her present name."
Since Rebecca's two books were published in 1986 and 1987, it seems unlikely that she had become very widely known by her pen name in just the second month of 1986. Doing it to hide from "the Brotherhood," would be futile since one assumes those people could divine that information supernaturally even if they didn't see it in the San Bernardino Daily Press, a general-circulation newspaper where it was published once a week for four weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. The name change then was officially registered April 25, 1986.
Rebecca had reason to change her name. However, it was not because of the notoriety she had gained under her new name, but the notoriety she had achieved under her old one.
According to much research Elaine uses many names for her protection and privacy. Her names include Edna Elaine Moses, Elaine Moses, and Elaine Bailey. I didn’t include her photos as a sign of respect to Dr. Brown and Elaine.

Some facts were gathered from


  1. Hi :) I would love to read this book yet some people warn me that I shouldn't read it as "things" could happen to me :-| is this true?
    please let me know :)

  2. No, nothing will happen to you. People are either just trying to scare you or they are uninformed in the matter.. I read Rebecca's first book when I was a teenager near the end of the 90's. My parents are devoted Christians and they had both "He Came To Set The Captives Free" and "Prepare for War" in their home library. Recently my husband and I went through some really tough times and we could definitely tell that Satan and his demons were working very hard to break us (nothing like what Rebecca's "clients" have gone through but still very draining to us). On a recent visit back home I noticed both books in my parents library still and I borrowed them along with a couple of other books they had about Spiritual bondage from some other well known authors (Dr. Mark Johnson and Neil T. Anderson). My husband and I both read Rebecca's books and it has done a lot to help us understand things that are going on. The only thing that reading the books will do to you is open your eyes to what is truly going on around us. Nothing will harm you if you read it unless you are involved in the occult. If that is the case Satan and his demons may try to stop you from reading it. If you have any concerns just pray to Jesus before you start reading and ask him to cover you and your household with his blood shed on Calvary and ask Him to bind the enemy and render Satan and his demons powerless, You can say these things out loud. I think this is a good idea no matter what and I think it would do the world a lot of good if we could all start and end our days with this. I also wish that every person in this world could have their eyes spiritually opened by God for just a little bit so that they could see what is going on in the spiritual realm. Because that will not happen until the end of time, we have people like Rebecca Brown and many other authors who have risked many difficult trials to get this information out to you. Please don't let their hard work go to waste.
