Tuesday, January 25, 2011

She says, He thinks

The twisted truth about what we girls say and what do boys think. :)

she says: “We need to talk.”
he thinks: She needs to talk. I, on the other hand, will have to listen.

she says: "I'll just pick out a dress for our date. Just give me 10 minutes, and I'll be ready to go!"
he thinks: I'll give her 10 minutes to pick out four dresses, 30 minutes to try them al on, and 20 minutes to decide which one she'll wear tonight.

she says: "It's up to you," when asked where she wants to eat.
he thinks: It's up to me to find where she wants to eat.

she says: "Why looking at her? Is she prettier than me?"
he thinks: Liars go to hell, but the truth may take me somewhere worse.

Good thing they're gentlemen and not telling us what they thought. Haha! Here's another one from a mag I came across with:

You call him on his phone while he's with his friends. He talks to you in the most stone-cold , emotionless tone ever. You try to fight it with the sweetest of sweet talks, but all you get is a distant, "I'll call you later."

you're thinking: "He is so mean! He'd better be begging for forgiveness when he calls me later!"
on the other hand: He is most probably just as upset of what happened. A guy can talk to you in goo-goos and gah-gahs. He can give you the corniest food-related pet names. He will make those silly kissing sounds and even say good night to your teddy bear. However, in front of the boys, he is a tough guy! Trying to make him behave like his normally sweet self while in their company is like forcing the president to dance on TV.

Make sense to me. :)

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